January 8, 2024

Violence! The violence of the weak. A significant thing: it is not the head of a civilization that begins to rot first. It is the heart.” - Aimé Césaire 

We are living amongst a period of oppression and destructive power manifested in the form of genocide as violence mobilizes against the Palestinian people. HOMEROOM is committed to antiracism, anti-imperialism, and non-violence. The decades of Israeli occupation in Palestine must be ceded and the immediate end of ongoing murder, displacement, surveillance and occupation of innocent Palestinian and Muslim citizens is a necessity. 

The rhetoric being used by western media to delegitimize and manipulate the narrative to victimize the IDF whilst thousands of Palestinians are being displaced and killed reflects the dangerous, volatile power that media has. Additionally, the stakes that the United States holds in supplying and distributing weapons and military aid reflect a larger imperialist agenda that is supported through our own tax dollars as American citizens. As students at the University of Washington, our own institution directly promotes and funds the ongoing genocide through funding to Boeing and censorship of pro-Palestine UW faculty and students. In that regard, HOMEROOM and other social advocacy platforms have a responsibility to stand for liberation and justice in the face of racism, imperialism, and fascism.

There are indisputable parallels between the struggle for decolonization, occupation and freedom of Palestinians and Asian Americans. Therefore, it is our duty to demand support from our fellow AAPI and BIPOC voices!

Asian American cross-cultural solidarity is a generational movement. Self-determination and liberation are the rights for Palestinian people and HOMEROOM will not cease until these rights are restored.

In the ways that many other Asian countries have been displaced by U.S, European, and even other Asian imperialist forces, we must stand in support of our Palestinian and anti-Zionist allies in ensuring a free Palestine (ref: Laos Struggle, Hawaii, Philippines and Guam, Japanese Americans, Korea, India, and more). Our struggles as Asian Americans are deeply connected to Palestinian liberation and protection. This issue impacts us as Americans and it impacts us as Asians, we have a responsibility as human beings to stand up for what is right. 

Education is the first step to fighting violence and oppression. Below are resources from multiple platforms to promote further research and understanding of this occupation. We will not stop until Palestine is liberated!

Social Media: National SJP | 18 Million Rising | Palestinian Feminist Collective | Everyday is Juneteenth | Samidoun Seattle | Visualizing Palestine


  • “Palestine” by Joe Sacco 
  • “Palestine: The Reality: The Inside Story of the Balfour Declaration 1917-1938” by J.M.N. Jeffries
  • “Seeking Palestine: New Palestinian Writing on Exile and Home” edited by Penny Johnson and Raja Shehadeh
  • “Things You May Find Hidden in My Ear: Poems from Gaza” by Mosab Abu Toha
  • “After the Last Sky: Palestinian Lives” by Edward Said
  • “Against the Loveless World” by Susan Abulhawa 
  • “The Battle for Justice in Palestine” by Ali Abunimah 
  • “Before the Next Bomb Drops: Rising Up from Brooklyn to Palestine” by Remi Kanazi
  • “The Hundred Years War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917-2017” by Rashid Khalidi 
  • “The Question of Palestine” by Edward Said 
  • “Palestinian Identity” by Rashid Khalidi
  • “Occupation Diaries” by Raja Shehadeh
  • “Nakba” edited by Ahmad H. Sa’di and Lila Abu-Lughod
  • “Refugees of the Revolution” by Diana Allan
  • “Stranger in My Own Land” by Fida Jiryis


  • Ajami (2009)
  • Al Nakba (2013)
  • 5 Broken Cameras (2011)
  • The Iron Wall (2006)
  • Occupation 101 (2006)
  • The Present (2020)
  • Though I Know the River is Dry (2013)

More films can be found in extensive databases listed below:



Education and Research:

  • Association for Asian American Studies report on Palestine
  • Palestine Factsheets
  • History of the Balfour Declaration 
  • Palestine Digital Action Toolkit
  • Demand Letter to UW Admin
  • Palestine History Webpage
  • Cut Ties with Boeing
  • Laos History
  • Hawaii, Philippines and Guam History
  • Japanese American Relationality
  • Korean History
  • Indian History

Participate and Engage:  

  • Stay up to date with on-campus engagement opportunities (sit-ins, demonstrations, teach-ins, etc.)
  • Boycott organizations that fund Israel, including McDonalds, Starbucks, Disney, and others (https://bdsmovement.net/Act-Now-Against-These-Companies-Profiting-From-Genocide)
  • Repost, educate, mobilize and strategize against oppression. Though it may seem small, every post, every act, every discussion is aiding to a large-scale revolutionary decolonization effort!

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